
2001/2002 Calendar Changes: Resource and Environmental Management

Marie-Josee Fortin, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Chair, REM

April 4, 2000

This document describes REM calendar changes for the year 2001/2002 calendar as approved by the School of Resource and Environmental Management on 29 March 2000. The contents are summarized below.

  1. Changes to REM 356-3
  2. Changes to REM 445-3

1. Changes to REM 356-3 - Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Environmental Management:

This involves a change in prerequisite.
Current Proposed
REM 100, EVSC 200
REM 100


EVSC 200 not required and students take it concurrently with REM 356.

2. Changes to REM 445-3 - Environmental Risk Assessment and Management of Hazardous Substances

This involves a change in description.
Current Proposed
Informed decision making and effective management regarding hazardous substances requires that ecological, human health and environmental risks of use and discharge can be assessed before management decisions are made.
Students receive theory and practical experience in the control and management of hazardous substances in the environment. This includes the application of techniques used to assess toxicological, ecological and human health risks of contaminants within the current regulatory framework.


The revised description provides a better and more concise description of the course.